My first experience in woodworking was in 5th grade and it was there that I discovered I learned best when working with my hands. As I continued throughout High School I took various Industrial Arts classes which led me to college to become an Industrial Arts Teacher, which I did for over 30 years.
During that time I began my part time hobby of making custom furniture, toys and other wooden items. However, upon my retiring from teaching, my part time hobby took on a new adventure moving away from custom furniture to making just toys and smaller wooden items.
Through the years I have had some of my work published in, The Work Bench Magazine, and in the first and second editions of the Fine Woodworking Bi-Annual books. I was also commissioned to make 5 reproductions of a rocking horse for Sturbridge Village.
Some of my current work can be found at the Hannah Grimes Center in Keene NH and the Wild Salamander in Hollis NH. You can also find me at many craft fairs in New Hampshire.
I work mostly in domestic hardwoods while using some exotics as ascent pieces. I never stain any of my creations thus the colors you see represent the actual colors of the woods and all of my items are topped off with a non-toxic finish. My hope is that when the child has outgrown the toy, it is then put away for future generations, or for the grandparents to have that “special” something for the grand-kids to play with when they come to visit.
And just think, wood is a renewable resource, unlike the plastic toys you get in stores, and everything is handmade, which makes each item a little unique; you may have two of the same types of trucks but in some way, they’ll be a little different.
Why buy something that will end up in the dump when you can buy something that can become an heirloom.